Category Archives: Podcast

Episode 24: Pacific Rim review

In which we discuss Pacific Rim, which is totally awesome by the way.


  1. Spoiler-free review.
  2. In-depth discussion (Spoilers).

Peoples: Luke, Jack, Italian Joe, Ian, and Birdy.

Music: Shared Loneliness by mindthings.

Special thanks to Jack and his dad for letting us use his recording studio.

Episode 23: Summer Podcrastination Party Pt. 2

Continuing our Summer Podcrastination Party, we talk about some movies and Chris shares ways to consume content better.


  1. Stuff
  2. Hotrod discussion. (Apologies to all listeners, Timothy got a bit out of control.)
  3. Tips on watching a movie, listening to music, or reading a book.

Peoples: Chris, Luke, Murad, Ian, Jack, Italian Joe, Meredith, Timothy.

Music: Eve by mindthings.